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A Company You Can Trust

Heating and AC Professionals in Stockton, CA

Specializing in Commercial and Residential HVAC

With over 30 years in the HVAC industry, Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. is proud to offer quality service for your home and business. Whether you need state-of-the-art refrigeration systems or just a conventional heating unit for your Stockton, CA home, we can assist. Our skilled team works hard to build a shining reputation in the community, and we treat each and every job with the attention to detail it deserves. We’re your one-stop-shop for HVAC maintenance, repair work, and installation.

HVAC units for heating and air conditioning
Air Conditioning
Expert Replacing Furnace Filter
Owners of Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co.
About Us

Consider Our Complete Maintenance Plan

Maintenance is one of our most popular services for residential and commercial clients alike. Our technicians have the expertise to perform thorough evaluations and complete preventative maintenance. You’re welcome to make appointments for service whenever you need it, or you could opt for a quarterly maintenance plan. This contract helps to ensure your heating and air conditioning stays in top shape throughout the year. We strive to make this service affordable, and it will surely save you money in the long run as you avoid costly repair bills.

Your trusted locally owned and operated HVAC service company is always here to serve you!
Commercial HVAC Maintenance Specialists in Central Valley, CA

Get the Air Tech Advantage

What puts Air Tech Heating & Air Conditioning Service Co. ahead of the competition? For one, we’re trusted far and wide throughout the Central Valley for top-notch repair and installation work, as well as exceptional customer service. Whether you’re a home or business owner, we’re ready and willing to work with you! We’re family-owned and -operated, and we strive to treat each customer as part of our family. That means no sales gimmicks, affordable pricing, and detail-oriented service. Moreover, we’ve received an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in recognition of our success.

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